July 27, 2024


What we have done

Local Store Marketing Professional

As you may know, post-COVID, many national brands have reduced or eliminated their LSM teams. While these teams have been effective in the past, current market and economic conditions make the continued funding of these positions difficult. We also know from experience (Papa John’s) that LSM efforts still drive sales, but require execution at a local and/or hyper-local level.

Because of this, we are creating a team of local store marketing professionals in several markets across the country to address this need. Boots on the Ground Marketing is building a network of local marketing experts in many of the top markets and we intend to have each of our local store marketing partners handle a growing list of non-competitive restaurant clients.

Get More Information

Fill out the form below and we will send you an email with a PDF explaining how our local marketing system works and how it will benefit everyone involved.